Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reading Jane: Part 3

I know, I know, I posted my progress yesterday, but guys...this book is so good!

Since I last posted, I've been reading like a fiend, and am now two-thirds of the way done. (Jane has just left Thornfield.) I usually don't like posting my thoughts about a book before I'm done (I'm afriad I'll jinx it and the book will go steeply downhill) but I am so in love with it at the moment.

Rochester has really grown on me, although I think he can be a real jerk sometimes, like when he set out to make Jane jealous, and I can see why Jane loves him, even if I perhaps wouldn't.
But the real treasure of the book is Jane herself. She is completely awesome and I love her. She's passionate and loving, but above all, true to herself. Her morals, her will, and her sense dominate all, even at the expense of her own heart and Rochester's. I find that deeply admirable, and her scene with Rochester after the revelation of his insane wife moved me almost to tears. Great writing, great characters. (Ha, characters with character. I crack myself up.)

I'm not going to write about the insane, amoral, alchoholic Creole wife. I accept her as a plot device, but will go no further.

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